
Ayiti Kanpe Min (Mining Free Haiti) is the product of nearly ten years of collaboration between a project by the Global Justice Clinic at NYU School of Law (GJC) and Kolektif Jistis Min (Justice Mining Collective, KJM)—a coalition of Haitian civil society organizations and community activists.  KJM and GJC have worked to provide Haitian communities with information about the mining industry, their legal rights, obligations of mining companies, and the risks posed by mining to Haitian communities.  

The goals of the website are to: educate the general public about the nascent gold mining industry in Haiti and highlighting communities’ experiences with mining to date; deter investment into the metal mining sector in Haiti by documenting social opposition to mining and highlighting the environmental, social and governance risks to operating in Haiti; and to provide resources and tools to Haitian organizations and activists to support the effort to ensure that Haitian people determine the future of their communities.

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Kolektif Jistis Min

Kolektif Jistis Min (“KJM”) is a coalition of civil society organizations, community-based groups, and community residents concerned about mining in Haiti. KJM was founded in 2012.  KJM supports communities as they organize to promote their interests and to advocate at the local, national, and international level for Haitians’ economic, social, political, and cultural rights.

Global Justice Clinic

The Global Justice Clinic (“GJC”) at New York University School of Law is a part of the Washington Square Legal Services, Inc. GJC provides human rights lawyering and services to individual clients and non-governmental and intergovernmental human rights organizations, partnering with groups based in and outside of the United States. Since 2007, GJC has worked in solidarity with Haitian social movement organizations to promote human rights in Haiti, and to hold international actors to account for human rights abuses.

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